"How's life in college?"
Ok ok lo...managed to bear through everything...
Finished every final presentations edi...did a pretty good job too...got 2nd place for one presentation also judging by a big client...happy :D
But bullshit......my individual essay assignments also stacking up like hell lo...
Completely no idea how to do at all....
Basically it means I'M GG!!!!!!!!
Ok la...final exam also coming edi...
Basically it means I'M SUPER GG!!!!!!!!!
Q & A (no.2)
"What are you up to recently?"
Nothing, I'm lifeless and that's awesome.
Why awesome?
'How can you kill someone with no life?' >:)
Well, actually I did quite a few things though..
Facebook for 24-7...
Baking Life...Castle Age...Car Town...Ceo Dream...Dawn of Dragons...
Facebook games...damn lifeless, right? :D
And also, been getting back on my drawing stuffs again!
Using my new Digital Drawing Pad! :D
Glad that I'm able to get a better sketch than I used to before...
Now not so bad edi...getting hang of it edi... :)
Muahaha...really hope that I can get better... :D

My simple sketch, testing out the colour~
Hmmmm...this one a bit weird...
This month a lot people breakup... :/
Happens a lot to my frens...hope they get over it soon...
Be single!
It's idealistic! In a way...
Bought an animation last time...

What's this?
More gay animation?
Your head la...
I recommend this animation :)
I think this is one of the best I've seen or collected!
Admit it, people!
They're cute!
And lastly!
Outing this few days with my buddies!
Damn fun
Damn funny
Damn sohai, by the way
JayK...Edrei...Jack....Yuvin...and also other 2 I'm not quite familiar with...
And Yuvin's leaving to Canada edi...
Lol...fun level will reduced to a certain standard edi...sien...
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