Pay attention closely..
This is...
A story about...
A man and a Roti.....
No, people..
This is not a love story about a Man and a Roti...
Everything goes back to early in the morning.
Rough nights as usual...
I couldn't get much sleep...
So..I went to my Mom's Office as usual...
(At Eng Ann, Berkley)
(Near the Berkley Mamak Corner)
(That one la, near the playground there also)
To wait for my ride to college...
Of course...
There is this...
Beautiful chair...
So soft...
Without any hesitation...
I slept on it...
Of course...
I was too stupid enough to realize that...
Listening to my hardcore-rocking-awesome musics while sleeping was a bad idea..
Instead of getting a nice peaceful sleep...
I got my hardcore-rocking-awesome dreams...
It was kinda rough...
Therefore, I couldn't get much rest much from that nap...
Too much farking hardcore-rocking-awesome musics..
So...I woke up 10 minutes earlier before my ride came...
Tummy grumbling...
Went to my usual favourite Roti Shop behind my Mom's Office..
Journey to the Roti Shop.
Wasn't tough at all.
2 minutes walk.
BUT you need to walk pass this back alley.
Urban legend calls it.
The Black Back Alley.
Ok, I admit.
I'm the one who came up with that Urban Legend.
People got robbed by black skin-tone people.
That's how I made the Urban Legend.
Back to the story...
I was walking pass through the alley...
Turn right into the corner.
And there...
There is where I met Roti...
She is sooo beautiful...
Her name is Caterpillar...
(seriously, its written on the menu)
After I bought Roti...
I left the shop..
Going back to Mom's Office to wait for my transport...
In front of me..
One Malay, with tight slim body, damn Muscular..and with this gangsta style *gulp*
Then 2 Office Ladies..
Ok, here's the catch...
I was wearing all black that day...
And I was sleepy and suffering..
One of the OL was scared of me...
She thought I'm a total badass... (WTF)
(Don't judge people, BITCH!)
I was scared of the Malay...
Because the way he acts...
(I take back my words, Bitch)
Malay walks the most front.
2 OL at second front.
Me. Last.
Malay walked right back into the Black Back Alley.
Then a really fat greasy indian came out from the Black Back Alley.
My Being-Racist-And-Acts-Cautiously-Sense is tingling.
He rode a motorcycle.
He wears motorcyclist helmet.
Black framed....
Malay went into the Black Back Alley...
The 2 OL walked straight, they didn't turn into the alley.
Then I walked sloooooower.
Guess what.
My Being-Racist-And-Acts-Cautiously-Sense is correct after all.
That Fat Greasy Indian made a U-turn, and went into the Black Back Alley.
And thx to my Being-Racist-And-Acts-Cautiously-Sense, I walked slower.
That F.G.Indian droved past me.
So, right now here is the clear picture at Black Back Alley.
Malay still walking at the most front in B.B.Alley.
F.G.Indian at second.
I'm still walking last.
And guess what I did?
I somehow predicted what will happened.
I'm munching on my Roti...
Walking slowly..
Watching the Malay ran as he chased after the Snatch thief..
I'm such an A-Hole
Ok..to redeem my sin.
At least I tried to look at his number plate.
And I was sleepy!!!
And then..Malay couldn't chase that F.G.Indian anymore..
He ran to his friend's house near the crime scene.
He borrowed his friend's black motor.
His friend followed.
His friend was holding this long wooden stick.
From my angle.
They looked like this.

Black Knight.
Black Horse.
Long Lance.
What happened to the indian after that...
I don't know...
But that's not the best part..
Sleepy la...